2021 Developer MVP Submissions

One year ago, the first ever ServiceNow Developer MVPs were announced.  I knew many of the people on the list, and they were all so very deserving of the title.  But I also noticed something.  There was not a single woman.  As I started to think about it, I couldn’t recall many women at all who were running ServiceNow blogs or who were active in the community.

 It was in that moment that I approached Maria Gabriela with an idea.  Why don’t we start a site?  Not just a scripting site, but a site to help empower other women and give them a platform and a voice.  And so we created the first iteration of WomenNow.dev.

Of course, it wasn’t long before the pandemic came along and smashed most of my hopes and dreams for the year. The site hasn’t come along as far as I’d hoped, but we are still pursuing that same goal. So, to further that goal, we are making a call to ALL you lovely ladies out there to sign up for the ServiceNow Developer MVPs.

Maria Gabriela and I have signed up in hopes of encouraging others.  We’ve seen several women start to take their well-deserved place in the ServiceNow community, and we would love to see your names on the MVP list for 2021.  Application for 2021 is open until the end of 2020. Don’t let your doubt keep you down!

Want to know about the perks, expectations and criteria for being a Developer MVP? Check out Brad’s post on the Developer blog.

Have questions? Feel free to reach out to Maria Gabriela (@mgopw) or I (@paige) on Slack! If we don’t know the answer, we will find it for you.

Finally, I want to provide a link to this Ted Talk that Jenny Hu shared with us, “What I learned from 100 days of rejection”. Jia Jing talks about the fear of rejection and how that prevents us from being open to possibilities.



2021,2022 ServiceNow Developer MVP | Co-Founder, WomenNow.SN


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