Script Macros

Today I learned (TIL) Script Macros (aka Syntax Macros)…

From the official documentation (Quebec Release): 

Script macros provide shortcuts for typing commonly used code. To insert macro text into a script field, enter the macro keyword followed by the Tab.

For example, in a Business Rule, you can type vargr:

Hit TAB and get the skeleton of a GlideRecord query without having to type it all out. 


There is a handful of out-of-box macros available and you can create your own.

How did I not know about this earlier?! Using these macros will be a new habit that I will have to form slowly but I think it will save me time in the future as I get more accustomed to using this. 

Big thanks to Developer MVP Philip Swann for bringing my attention to this feature in the SNDevs Slack community.

Tip: There is a Syntax Macros GitHub repo - If you are interested in participating in Hacktoberfest this year, this may be one way to contribute.


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