World Mental Health Day

October 10th was World Mental Health Day. I know it feels like every day is "world something day", but I still think it's important to take a moment and think about why people want to share the message.

There is so much stigma around taking care of yourself, being in tune with your emotions, thinking about how you feel both physically and mentally, and talking to each other about the challenges we face every day. We as a community need to work on that, and become more open and empathetic towards each other.

I'm terrified to even talk about this, like I've said many times before, because these stigmas could put my career at risk. It could reflect poorly or just be seen as a woman being too emotional. This is much more important than just me though.

If you ever need someone to talk to, there is someone out there ready to listen. Look up a local warmline, if you aren't in urgent distress.

If your situation is urgent, please call your local authorities or a hotline. This site I am linking seems to have compiled international numbers for hotlines, but if any of these don't work and you are struggling to find one please reach out and let me know and I'll help you find one.

Please get the help you need.

We are living through unprecedented times right now. Our lives have been turned upside down for more than a year and it's OK to feel burnt out or stressed. I'm barely hanging on day by day but you and I will make it through this. Im so lucky to have the support of an amazing husband, a supportive group of friends, lovely coworkers and a great work culture but not many are that fortunate. Just hang in there and you can get through this.

I like to remind myself that no matter how far our journeys may take us, we stand where we stand by virtue of the road we walked to get there. Things are tough right now so we can grow stronger through supporting each other and we will make it to the other side as better people.

You aren't alone.

Maria Gabriela Waechter

She/Her || Senior Outbound Product Manager @ ServiceNow || 2022, 2021 ServiceNow Developer MVP

Maria Gabriela is passionate about making ServiceNow resources and opportunities accessible to everyone regardless of income, identity, nationality, upbringing, or environment. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, a Venezuelan-American immigrant, and a woman with disabilities, Maria Gabriela strives to break boundaries and highlight the contributions of traditionally marginalized groups.

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