Service Portal, Widget Paige Service Portal, Widget Paige

Reusable iframe Widget

I know, I don’t recommend this method at all. But on occasion we all must do things we don’t like. I’ve seen this come up a few times in the community and decided to throw together a simple how to. Adding an iframe to the portal is easy. Below I walk you through creating a simple widget that allows you to set the URL of the iframe in the instance options.

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Service Portal Paige Service Portal Paige

Add "Form Annotations" In Service Portal

Form annotations do not appear on forms when rendered in Service Portal. While you can use a solution like a field level Client Script, I do not find that to provide the look and feel I'm often looking for. Instead, you can embed a widget on the form to take the place of form annotations.

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Service Portal Paige Service Portal Paige

Embedding Portal Pages

Over the past couple of years I've ran into several scenarios in which I've wanted to embed a portal page into the standard UI (UI16 specifically) for various reason. While typically this has been done with UI Pages, I kind of hate Jelly. So I'll generally take every approach I can to avoid this.

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